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rwb330 assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable (to the extent permitted by law) for any damage or injury arising out of any use of or access to the site, or any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, interception of online communication, software or hardware problems (including without limitation loss of data or compatibility problems), theft, destruction or alteration of the site, whether for breach of contract, tortious behaviour, negligence or, under any other cause of action resulting directly or indirectly from any access or use of the site, or any uploading, downloading or publication of data, text, images or other material or information to or from the site. - The liability of rwb330 whether in contract, tort or otherwise for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from any defect in or non-compliance of the Products or any other breach of rwb330′s obligations hereunder shall not in any event exceed an amount equivalent to the price of the Products.
- rwb330 shall not be liable for any consequential, indirect or special damage or loss of any kind whatsoever nor shall rwb330 be liable for any damage or loss caused by the Customer’s servants, agents, buyers or other persons whatsoever.
- The Customer shall ensure that the Products are not used for any purpose for which they are not suitable and shall be responsible for using all necessary skill and care in handling and using the Products. The Customer expressly acknowledges and agrees that rwb330 assumes no obligation or liability for any advice or information given with the Products and rwb330 shall not be responsible for any inaccuracy or misstatement of any such information. The Products shall be accepted by the Customer entirely at the Customer’s risk.
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