Opening Ceremony of rwb330
2012 - 09 - 11

The opening ceremony of rwb330 was held on 11 September 2012
The Opening Ceremony of rwb330, the latest social enterprise of New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (New Life), was held today officiated by The Honourable Matthew CHEUNG Kin Chung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, The Honourable Barry CHEUNG Chun Yuen, GBS, JP, Chairman, Urban Renewal Authority (URA), Ms. Catherine Wong Pui Yee, Member of Advisory Committee on Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities, Social Welfare Department, Mr. Stanley Wong (anothermountainman), Inspiration Master of rwb330, Prof. Fanny CHEUNG Mui Ching, JP, Chairperson, New Life and Dr. Allen YEUNG, Chairperson, Social Enterprises Subcommittee, New Life.
Rwb330 is located at premises owned by URA at Prince Edward Road West Flower Market. In October 2011, URA invited non-governmental organizations (NGO) to submit proposals for operating the shop with the aim of promoting community arts and culture under licence agreement. New Life’s rwb330 was awarded the project among 10 applications and commenced business in May 2012 as the first social enterprise jointly established by URA and NGO.
As the first-ever concept store featuring the classic red-white-blue fabric, rwb330 aims at promoting the spirit of “Positive Hong Kong” and creating job and training opportunities for people in recovery of mental illness. Mr. Stanley Wong, a renowned local artist famous for red-white-blue artistic creations, partners with New Life as the Inspiration Master for rwb330. He has developed a series of red-white-blue products under the crossover brand “rwb330 x amm”, and provided expert opinions on branding, interiors design, product development and design, making rwb330 a unique and stylish social enterprise. It is hoped that the cultural literacy of Prince Edward District and local / overseas people’s understanding of Hong Kong’s arts and culture can be enriched through arts and cultural promotions at rwb330.
Besides “rwb330 x amm” crossover products, you can find Chocolate Rain’s patchwork and 100% handmade products, New Life rwb products and “We Love Hong Kong” clay handicrafts made by people in recovery of mental illness and rwb floral products in the shop. Rwb330 also organises creative workshops and artistic activities to raise participants’ positive energy level and enhance their mental wellness.