Hong Kong’s First & Only red-white-blue Concept Store has now opened
2012 - 05 - 01

red-white-blue Concept Store
"rwb330", the first-ever concept store features with the classic red-white-blue fabric, has now opened. Located at the Flower Market, Prince Edward Road West, rwb330 (“rwb” stands for “red-white-blue”) is a social enterprise operated by New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (“New Life”) with an aim of providing work and training opportunities for people in recovery of mental illness and promoting the spirit of “Positive Hong Kong” to the general public. It is also the first partnership project between New Life and the renowned local artist – anothermountainman (Stanley Wong) on the branding and creative development of this social enterprise. The shop will create 6 job vacancies in which at least 5 of them are for people in recovery.
With an area of 1,000 ft², rwb330 is furnished with “red-white-blue” materials and designed with the theme “Positive Hong Kong”, integrating 60s to 70s ambience with modern art. Besides “rwb330 x amm” crossover products, rwb330 offers Chocolate Rain’s patchwork and 100% handmade products, New Life rwb products and “We Love Hong Kong” clay handicrafts made by people in recovery of mental illness. An e-shop is also being established to promote these unique local products overseas. In addition to specialty retail, rwb330 provides beautiful and creative floral arrangement for every occasion. Some are decorated with red-white-blue fabric.
To raise positive energy levels of Hong Kong people, rwb330 organises a series of creative workshops starting early June, such as amm’s creative workshop and Chocolate Rain creative workshop, promoting positive thinking through art means. These workshops are open to all and will offer participants an opportunity to refresh their body, mind and spirit.